Update Order
Update any editable fields of a particular order via the order id
PUT https://us-central1-globhe-app.cloudfunctions.net/api/v2/orders/:id
There is limitation on which field can be editable. The following fields cannot be edited: The fields that cannot be updated are:
The deliveryDeadline
can be updated to a later date only. It is not allowed to change the deadline to an earlier date.
Note that once a quote has been accepted, you are not able to update the order. This is because a pilot is being contracted to capture your data and any changes to the order will change the scope and the price of this order.
In case you want to update items in an order that are not editable, please cancel the order and place a new order with the updated info
Example Request
PUT https://us-central1-globhe-app.cloudfunctions.net/api/v2/orders/123456789
{ "clientEmail": "foo@foo.com", "clientName": "Luke Skywalker", "companyName": "Jedi High Council", "notifications": { "webhook": "http://dDX.eojldzcraJs24zoGRPaaeKraeRyNtYjph6nnu8H4", "email": false } }
Example Response
{ "id": "123456789", "areaSize": 49468049.34829436, "clientEmail": "foo@foo.com", "deliveryDeadline": "1955-09-19", "clientName": "Luke Skywalker", "companyName": "Jedi High Council", "description": "pariatur fugiat", "orderPrice": 90302877.53317097, "orderStatus": "reviewing", "locationMap": [ { "lat": 89.59607725985146, "lng": 131.18019461249787 }, { "lat": 73.2426077887128, "lng": 102.17697778830319 } ], "mapTypes": [ "ndvi", "digitalTerrainModel" ], "notifications": { "webhook": "http://dDX.eojldzcraJs24zoGRPaaeKraeRyNtYjph6nnu8H4", "email": false }, "otherMapType": "incididunt non eu eiusmod" }