
Get details about a single order

You can get the status and results of your order, with the request below, by specifying the order id field.

Example Request
Example Response
  "status": "quoteReceived",
  "instruction": "Your quote has been received. Please review it and take action by either accepting or rejecting your quote. Once you accept the quote, the drone operators will start capturing your data.",
  "quotes": [
      "quoteId": "20240628-2",
      "quoteName": "quote 3",
      "description": "This quote covers your order of 100 hectares of 2D orthomosaics at 3 cm resolution in Namibia. No discount is used.",
      "deliveryBy": "20 days",
      "priceBeforeDiscount": 1800,
      "currency": "USD",
      "discountProvided": "0%",
      "reasonForDiscount": null,
      "finalPrice": 1800,
      "expiryDate": "2024-03-06T10:59:30.730+01:00"
  "rejectedQuotes": [
      "quoteId": "20240628-1",
      "quoteName": "quote 1",
      "description": "This quote covers your order of 100 hectares of 2D orthomosaics at 10 cm resolution in Namibia. No discount is used.",
      "deliveryBy": "30 days",
      "priceBeforeDiscount": 1000,
      "currency": "USD",
      "discountProvided": "0%",
      "reasonForDiscount": null,
      "finalPrice": 1000,
      "expiryDate": "2024-03-11T09:38:27.664+01:00"
  "id": "20230628arte",
  "areaSize": 49468049.34829436,
  "clientEmail": "",
  "deliveryDeadline": "2024-09-19",
  "clientName": "Han Solo",
  "companyName": "Millenium Falcon",
  "description": "A description of the order and the purpose is added here to guide the operator.",
  "orderPrice": "",
  "orderStatus": "inReview",
  "orderRejectionReason": "",
  "locationMap": [
      "lat": 89.59607725985146,
      "lng": 131.18019461249787
      "lat": 73.2426077887128,
      "lng": 102.17697778830319
  "mapTypes": [
  "notifications": {
    "webhook": "https://kvpmHNa.fuvcdQjX0QTKSyVs65ZxUpSuCyVSy",
    "email": true
  "otherMapType": ""
Response structure

The response is structured to make it easier for you to understand the basic details of the order and what to expect next. Below is what you will see depending on the status of the order.

fielddescriptionwhen to see it
statusrepresents the status of the order. See below for a details of all available statusesalways
instructionthis is an explanation for you to guide you through the next steps of the ordering flowalways
orderDetailscontains the all details that are related to the order itselfalways
quotesrepresents the details of all the quotes that you received and you haven't reacted to, i.e. not accepted and not rejected yetonce a quote has been generated by GLOBHE
rejectedQuotesrepresents the details of all the quotes that you you have rejectedonce you reject a quote. It will disappear once you accept another quote
acceptedQuoterepresents the details of the quote that you have acceptedafter accepting the quote
orderNotFeasiblecontains the details on why the order is not feasible with photo proof if availablewhen the operator flags problems in the mission
currentFlyingDateshows the date when the operator will capture the datafor status 'flyingDateSet'
prevFlightDateshows the first date when the operator was planning capture the datawhen the pilot has rescheduled the flying date, i.e. for status 'flyingDateRescheduled'
collectedDatacontains the final data, both jpeg and your chosen processed data typefor status 'completed'