
Accept or reject a quote of your order

Once you a quote for your order is ready, you can accept or reject this quote. To get details about your quote, you should use the getorder endpoint to fetch information about a specific order.

Response structure when using the getorder endpoint
  • status : Represents the status of the order. If you received a quote, the status will always be 'quoteReceived'
  • instruction : Describes the steps that should be taken from your side
  • quotes : Contains the list of quotes that you receive. You might receive more than one quote if you requested to. These quotes are neither accepted nor rejected from your side.
  • rejectedQuotes : Contains the list of quotes that you rejected.
  • orderDetails : Contains all the order information that you have placed earlier.
Quote information structure
  • quoteId : Represents the unique ID of the quote in question.
  • description : Contains description of information from GLOBHE about how or why they issued such a quote. Could be beneficial in case you received multiple quotes.
  • deliveryBy : Refers to the maximum number of days within which your data will be provided.
  • priceBeforeDiscount : Indicates the order price without any discounts.
  • currency : The currency of the price shown above amount. You can change your currency in your profile.
  • discountProvided : Indicates the discount in percent in case it is applied.
  • reasonForDiscount : Describes the reason why there is a discount in case a discount is applied.
  • finalPrice : The final price of this order with discount.
  • expiryDate : Indicates the date and time when this quote will expire. You will not be able to accept or reject this quote after the expiry date.
Example Request to get details of a quote
Example Response
  "status": "quoteReceived",
  "instruction": "Your quote has been received. Please review it and take action by either accepting or rejecting your quote. Once you accept the quote, the drone operators will start capturing your data.",
  "quotes": [
      "quoteId": "20240628-2",
      "quoteName": "quote 3",
      "description": "This quote covers your order of 100 hectares of 2D orthomosaics at 3 cm resolution in Namibia. No discount is used.",
      "deliveryBy": "20 days",
      "priceBeforeDiscount": 1800,
      "currency": "USD",
      "discountProvided": "0%",
      "reasonForDiscount": null,
      "finalPrice": 1800,
      "expiryDate": "2024-03-06T10:59:30.730+01:00"
  "rejectedQuotes": [
      "quoteId": "20240628-1",
      "quoteName": "quote 1",
      "description": "This quote covers your order of 100 hectares of 2D orthomosaics at 10 cm resolution in Namibia. No discount is used.",
      "deliveryBy": "30 days",
      "priceBeforeDiscount": 1000,
      "currency": "USD",
      "discountProvided": "0%",
      "reasonForDiscount": null,
      "finalPrice": 1000,
      "expiryDate": "2024-03-11T09:38:27.664+01:00"
  "id": "20230628arte",
  "areaSize": 49468049.34829436,
  "clientEmail": "",
  "deliveryDeadline": "2024-09-19",
  "clientName": "Han Solo",
  "companyName": "Millenium Falcon",
  "description": "A description of the order and the purpose is added here to guide the operator.",
  "orderPrice": "",
  "orderStatus": "inReview",
  "orderRejectionReason": "",
  "locationMap": [
      "lat": 89.59607725985146,
      "lng": 131.18019461249787
      "lat": 73.2426077887128,
      "lng": 102.17697778830319
  "mapTypes": [
  "notifications": {
    "webhook": "https://kvpmHNa.fuvcdQjX0QTKSyVs65ZxUpSuCyVSy",
    "email": true
  "otherMapType": ""

How to accept or reject a quote

You can accept or reject a quote with the request below. Make sure you copy your orderId and quoteId from the getorder enpoint correctly.


The accept or reject quote endpoint must include the following item:

  • status : Insert 'accept' or 'reject' to either accept or reject your quote respectively
Example request
  "status": "accept"
Example Response
  "status": "Quote accepted",
  "quoteDetails": {
    "quoteId": "20230628arte-2",
    "quoteName": "quote 2",
    "description": "This quote covers your order of 100 hectares of 2D orthomosaics at 3 cm resolution in Namibia. No discount is used.",
    "deliveryBy": "20",
    "priceBeforeDiscount": 1800,
    "currency": "USD",
    "discountProvided": "0%",
    "reasonForDiscount": null,
    "finalPrice": 1800,
    "expiryDate": "2024-03-06T10:59:30.730+01:00"